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Calorie Count


Most health savings account plans are accepted


Vital Shake

Power your day with CupaHealth Vital Fuel Shake, a delicious, low-carb meal replacement that keeps you energized and nourished. Packed with organic whole cream, isolated whey protein, MCT oil, and Fijian turmeric and ginger, it’s the perfect quick, nutritious meal on the go.


ATP Balance

Boost your energy and mental clarity naturally with ATP Balance, a powerful herbal supplement designed to support healthy energy levels, stabilize blood sugar, and enhance focus. Packed with plant-based nutrients, it helps curb cravings and promotes overall wellness for a balanced lifestyle.


Jave Boost Carmel Coffee

ndulge in the seasonal Healthy Java Boost Caramel Coffee, a rich, bold blend infused with organic Fijian ginger, turmeric, muscadine grape seeds, MCT oil, and coconut cream. Enjoy sustained energy, mood balance, and weight management support with every delicious cup.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnosis, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Always consult your personal physician or other medical professional prior to starting any diet, exercise, or nutritional supplement program.


* Please note that you do not need to be seen by an PENTA Healthcare provider to purchase any of the above products on this website or linked to this website. However, if you would like to your Health Savings Account, please contact the office here.

PENTA Healthcare LLC | (614) 426-4500 | Created by the GSJ Design Firm

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